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int anim timepicker_anim_enter_bottom 0x7f040000
int anim timepicker_anim_exit_bottom 0x7f040001
int color wheel_timebtn_nor 0x7f050000
int color wheel_timebtn_pre 0x7f050001
int dimen activity_horizontal_margin 0x7f060000
int dimen activity_vertical_margin 0x7f060001
int drawable bg_above_timepicker 0x7f020000
int drawable bg_line_timepicker 0x7f020001
int drawable ic_launcher 0x7f020002
int drawable switch_bg_holo_light 0x7f020003
int drawable wheel_timebtn 0x7f020004
int drawable wheel_val 0x7f020005
int id action_settings 0x7f0a000e
int id btnCancel 0x7f0a0008
int id btnSubmit 0x7f0a000a
int id day 0x7f0a0005
int id hour 0x7f0a0006
int id min 0x7f0a0007
int id month 0x7f0a0004
int id options1 0x7f0a0000
int id options2 0x7f0a0001
int id options3 0x7f0a0002
int id optionspicker 0x7f0a000b
int id timepicker 0x7f0a000d
int id tvEdtName 0x7f0a0009
int id tvTime 0x7f0a000c
int id year 0x7f0a0003
int layout activity_main 0x7f030000
int layout include_optionspicker 0x7f030001
int layout include_timepicker 0x7f030002
int layout pw_options 0x7f030003
int layout pw_time 0x7f030004
int menu main 0x7f090000
int string action_settings 0x7f070002
int string app_name 0x7f070000
int string hello_world 0x7f070001
int string pickerview_cancel 0x7f070003
int string pickerview_day 0x7f070007
int string pickerview_hours 0x7f070008
int string pickerview_minutes 0x7f070009
int string pickerview_month 0x7f070006
int string pickerview_seconds 0x7f07000a
int string pickerview_submit 0x7f070004
int string pickerview_year 0x7f070005
int style AppBaseTheme 0x7f080001
int style timepopwindow_anim_style 0x7f080000